
Converting between metric and imperial unit is a breeze

New Feature: unit system display toggle

We have added a unit toggle between metric <> imperial units in our viewer, so any user can now change units on the fly.

The model's default unit setting is set by its geolocation. For example, if the address of the model is in New York, USA, the model will by default load in imperial units.

To set your model's address: log-in to your account > go to the model, simply click the gear icon on the bottom left of your viewer and enter the address in the pop-up "Scene settings" window, then click "Save".

If you want to share your model with someone that prefers to view it in different units, you can also customize it via the Share settings.

Gif plan

Bug Fixes & Improvement:

  • Changing your account password is simplified with the new profile page
  • A better way to manage your team access with the new team page
  • You can now set your organization's preferred units in the organization page
  • Fixed logout issue when logging in to other browsers
  • Fixed missing share button in the standalone viewer

What you should do now

1. Schedule a demo

2. Visit our resources section

3. Share this article

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