Support Ticket Management

Lagarsoft Support Ticket Management Prototype
Lagarsoft is an information technology company at the intersection of technology and the built environment. We apply software engineering principles to solve problems in the AEC industry. From proof of concept validation and staff augmentation to software architecture, customization, and automation, we enable stakeholders to work smarter and have updated information at every moment and in every place.
Buildings are like machines. And just like machines, buildings are made up of many parts that often require maintenance, repair, and adjustment. From malfunctioning equipment all the way to missing furniture—there’s a broad range of possible issues that can come up in any given space at any given time. Facilities managers have the unique role of keeping track of all these problems and resolving them in order to support the ongoing needs of building occupants.
To manage all of the building-related issues in an efficient way, many stakeholders have begun to implement digital support ticket systems—software solutions that handle the lists of issues pertaining to various building spaces, which can be submitted by building managers as well as occupants. Ticketing systems for buildings are useful tools that provide a common understanding of how buildings are functioning, and making these tools more accessible is highly valuable to ensure that both buildings themselves and their occupants stay happy.
Built With Archilogic - A User-Friendly Support Ticket Management System
In this day and age, building these types of applications is straightforward and cost effective. Thanks to Archilogic, who does all the spatial data heavy lifting, we were able to focus on creating a simple, user-friendly app in no time.
This prototype is a support ticket management system for submitting issues in an office space.
The app utilizes Archilogic’s Floor Plan Engine SDK and Space API to create an interface where users can view support tickets that have been submitted about the office. The overall floor plan of the space is visible and interactive: you can zoom in and out and pan to see which rooms have issues that need to be resolved by the facility manager. When you click on a room, the support ticket list displays the ticket title, date submitted, status (open or resolved), and actions. Tickets in the list can be filtered by their status and their submitted time range. Users can also click on the “View” button of any ticket, under the Action column, and view additional information about the ticket, such as who submitted it, a description of the issue, and tags related to the category of the issue (e.g. Heat/Air, Maintenance). Users can choose to resolve a ticket once the issue has been addressed.
Check out the GitHub repository for this prototype.