Automating Space Calculation with Custom Rulesets like BOMA

February 1, 2024
Quit manual polylining - automate and adhere to rulesets like BOMA with Archilogic
Automating Space Calculation with Custom Rulesets like BOMA

Managing Interior Spaces

Managing space within buildings has often been a meticulous and manual process, particularly evident when it comes to the use of AutoCAD polylining. This traditional workflow, crucial in Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS), Building Management Systems (BMS), and Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) systems, involves the tedious, painstaking process of manually drawing polylines over each room and workstation within a CAD floor plan. The aim is to accurately calculate square footage, adhering to standards like BOMA, where the placement of these lines—whether at the center, inner, or outer edge of a wall—is dictated by the room's specific function, such as a meeting room or service room.

For years, this task has required precision and patience, as it involves manual work that seems resistant to the wave of automation sweeping across most industries. A traditional CAD file, in its essence, is perceived as a collection of "dumb" lines with no inherent understanding of the elements they represent, be it space, furniture, or doors.

More than a Floor Plan

But, what if your floor plan was more than just a series of lines? What if it is an intelligent, interactive data model that comprehends the relationships between spaces, assets, and their specific functions? This is where Archilogic's revolutionary approach comes into play, offering a new generation floor plan layout editor to redefine facility management.

Our spatial intelligence platform is designed to do much more than automate the creation of BOMA-compliant polygons and areas. It's about creating a dynamic, intelligent model that understands the relationships and functionalities of various spaces and assets. This model isn’t static; it evolves and updates continuously with every modification to your layout, providing a reliable, always up-to-date source of truth accessible from anywhere.

A Fresh Approach with Archilogic

This modern approach aligns perfectly with the concept of digital twins – digital representations of physical spaces, enriched with detailed information and intelligence. The advantages extend beyond just the convenience and speed; it's a matter of improved accuracy and scalability. By embracing intelligent spatial data models, what once seemed impossible to automate can now be managed efficiently with little human intervention. This reduces the likelihood of errors and frees up valuable work time for more strategic, revenue generating tasks that require human insight and decision-making.

Paradigm Shift

For those who still rely on traditional polyline formats in CAD files, Archilogic's system seamlessly integrates this need. Our platform can automatically generate and export these polylines through an API, eliminating the need for tedious manual file uploads.

In conclusion, Archilogic is not just introducing a tool; we're heralding a paradigm shift in how people manage and interact with physical spaces. By bridging the gap between the physical and digital, we are unlocking new possibilities in facility management, paving the way for a more efficient, accurate, and intelligent future.

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Blog Post

Automating Space Calculation with Custom Rulesets like BOMA

Quit manual polylining - automate and adhere to rulesets like BOMA with Archilogic

Managing Interior Spaces

Managing space within buildings has often been a meticulous and manual process, particularly evident when it comes to the use of AutoCAD polylining. This traditional workflow, crucial in Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS), Building Management Systems (BMS), and Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) systems, involves the tedious, painstaking process of manually drawing polylines over each room and workstation within a CAD floor plan. The aim is to accurately calculate square footage, adhering to standards like BOMA, where the placement of these lines—whether at the center, inner, or outer edge of a wall—is dictated by the room's specific function, such as a meeting room or service room.

For years, this task has required precision and patience, as it involves manual work that seems resistant to the wave of automation sweeping across most industries. A traditional CAD file, in its essence, is perceived as a collection of "dumb" lines with no inherent understanding of the elements they represent, be it space, furniture, or doors.

More than a Floor Plan

But, what if your floor plan was more than just a series of lines? What if it is an intelligent, interactive data model that comprehends the relationships between spaces, assets, and their specific functions? This is where Archilogic's revolutionary approach comes into play, offering a new generation floor plan layout editor to redefine facility management.

Our spatial intelligence platform is designed to do much more than automate the creation of BOMA-compliant polygons and areas. It's about creating a dynamic, intelligent model that understands the relationships and functionalities of various spaces and assets. This model isn’t static; it evolves and updates continuously with every modification to your layout, providing a reliable, always up-to-date source of truth accessible from anywhere.

A Fresh Approach with Archilogic

This modern approach aligns perfectly with the concept of digital twins – digital representations of physical spaces, enriched with detailed information and intelligence. The advantages extend beyond just the convenience and speed; it's a matter of improved accuracy and scalability. By embracing intelligent spatial data models, what once seemed impossible to automate can now be managed efficiently with little human intervention. This reduces the likelihood of errors and frees up valuable work time for more strategic, revenue generating tasks that require human insight and decision-making.

Paradigm Shift

For those who still rely on traditional polyline formats in CAD files, Archilogic's system seamlessly integrates this need. Our platform can automatically generate and export these polylines through an API, eliminating the need for tedious manual file uploads.

In conclusion, Archilogic is not just introducing a tool; we're heralding a paradigm shift in how people manage and interact with physical spaces. By bridging the gap between the physical and digital, we are unlocking new possibilities in facility management, paving the way for a more efficient, accurate, and intelligent future.

Interested in getting automated? Contact us to book a demo.

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